Pasadena Christian Counseling2021-10-07T17:18:33+00:00

Welcome to Christian Counseling Pasadena

These days, people need professional Christian counseling more than ever. If you are looking for the kind of counseling that takes your faith and values to heart then we are the right place for you.

Christian Counseling Pasadena is an association of licensed professional counselors who have a wide variety of experience treating a vast array of symptoms and conditions. We make use of Biblical wisdom and the best of modern psychology as we help people from all walks of life find help and healing.

Contact us today via our website or by calling (424) 361-6199


The Bible tells us that we should “bear one another’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2), and that is a big part of what we do here at Christian Counseling Pasadena. We are a place where you can find healing and peace – a place that will help bring you into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through grace and faith.

Whether you are seeking counseling for anxiety, depression, addiction, or some other issue,this is the place for you. The counselors at Christian Counseling Pasadena will come alongside you to provide tools for coping, strategies for overcoming, and listening ears to really hear you.


To find a complete list of the types of counseling services we offer, please visit our services page. If you don’t find the specific issue or condition you are looking for,please contact our office to learn whether a therapist is available to meet your counseling needs.

Types of Therapy

The counselors at Newbury Park Christian Counseling employ a variety of therapeutic methods, depending on your uniqueneeds. Types of therapy may include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Trauma-Informed Therapy, Emotion-Focused Therapy,Psychodynamic, Person-centered, Attachment, and Experiential.


To start Christian counseling in Pasadena, begin by taking a look through our counselor directory to find a counselor that will meet your needs. The next step is to contact that counselor either directly or through our office staff. Either way, you will be able to set up an initial risk-free session to help ensure that the counselor you have selected is right for you.

We offer counseling for…

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Substance abuse and addiction
  • Sex and porn addiction
  • Marital problems
  • Infidelity
  • Relationship struggles
  • Family counseling
  • Parenting challenges
  • ADD/ADHD (both child and adult)
  • Trauma
  • Abuse
  • Grief support
  • Child and teen issues
  • . . . and more.


You may be asking yourself, “What is so special about Christian counseling?” The answer is simple. Christian counseling offers lasting help and hope from a Christian worldview. Though secular counseling can offer valuable insights, its effectiveness is limited without God. Counseling that is specifically Christian draws on biblical wisdom and principles that lead to transformational positive change.

Just as you wouldn’t build a house on sand, so counseling should not be based on the ever-changing ideas of the world, but on the solid foundation of the Bible.


Anxiety can be crippling. You want to live your life to the fullest but your anxiety keeps getting in the way, keeping you from enjoying social situations, making work a nightmare, or in extreme cases even preventing you from leaving the home.

Christian Counseling Pasadena can help you find practical ways to overcome your anxiety, manage your stress levels, and live a healthy life.The professional counselors at our office understand what you are going through and can help you find freedom from this debilitating condition.

Don’t struggle alone. Give us a call today.


Depression is a major issue in America today. It can show itself in a variety of ways and can be very difficult to identify, especially by those on the outside.

You may feel that something is wrong, but you don’t know what it is.You lack energy, motivation, even the will to live. If you are suffering from depression it can feel as if you are all alone. If you feel that this is you, then you might be suffering from depression.

At Pasadena Christian Counseling we offer hope to those who suffer from depression. Contact us for an appointment and take your first steps down the road to healing.


Grief comes in many different shapes and sizes and nearly everyone experiences grief at one point or another in their life. Not everyone can deal with every kind of grief alone, however. Sometimes the darkness is just too overwhelming, and you need a helping hand to guide you through the grieving process.

Some choose not to deal with their grief, but grief left undealt with can produce other serious conditions such as depression, anxiety, bitterness, and even suicidal thoughts. Christian Counseling Pasadena offers counseling services to help you work through your grief so that you can find peace and healing on the other side.

If you are having trouble struggling with grief, don’t continue to struggle alone. Contact Christian Counseling Pasadena today to begin the healing process.


Is your marriage in trouble? Do you argue or fight with your spouse? Or maybe you don’t talk to each other at all? Is your marriage relationship characterized by bitterness? Is one of you having an affair? These and a host of other issues can invade a marriage and instead of the taste of heaven on earth that God intended it to be, it can feel like a preview of hell itself.

Because marriage is a covenant relationship between two sinners it is easy to allow sin an entrance into the marriage. Christian Counseling Pasadena offers a full range of marriage counseling to help you work through such issues and restore to your marriage the love, companionship, and intimacy that it was intended to have.

The counselors at Christian Counseling Pasadena will work with you and your spouse to overcome the toughest marriage problems, bringing healing, hope, and health to your relationship.

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