Some say that the past is the best predictor of future behavior. While that can be true in some instances, those of us who are in Christ have a new nature. It is out of this true identity, knowing who we are and to Whom we belong, that we can experience enduring transformation and hope (2 Corinthians 5:17; Romans 12:1-2). Consider the following Bible verses about hope to find some encouragement.

Bible verses about hope

The changes we encounter in our relationship with Jesus are informed by the Word, the ultimate Authority, which has the power to shift what is seen and unseen, in this present world and the one to come (John 1:1). That can be a source of encouragement and hope to light an otherwise obscure path, comforted in that we do not have to remain the same, locked into old behaviors, beliefs, and ways of being (Psalm 119:89, 105).

We can find hope and continue growing into who God desires us to be. With Scripture, we can draw inspiration and encouragement for navigating challenging times with Bible verses about hope. The words of the prophet Jeremiah urge us to delight in God’s steadfastness with each sunset and sunrise (Lamentations 3:21-26).

Our Father is faithful, providing us with new mercies to envelop us amid every threat. Between the poles of each day, the Psalmist reminds us that the praise of the Lord will sustain us in and through all we endure (Psalm 113:3). These verses are the beacons that point to hope so that we can emerge from our past, abide in our present, and advance into our future with God.

While we all endure troublesome circumstances just as Jesus forewarned, the hope the Bible comforts with is not limited to the change of temporal conditions (John 16:33). Nor is hope bound exclusively to our heavenly Home; but we can experience eternity in the present, anticipating an expected end, where we will live and reign forever with our King of Kings.

Fully aware of what we need and desire, our God daily loads us with the benefits of His compassion (Psalm 68:19). He outfits us with all that is essential to living a godly life, having furnished every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus, and that which enriches us without adding sorrow (2 Peter 1:3; Ephesians 1:3; Proverbs 10:22).

This hope is anchored in Christ, our Redeemer, the One who has come to remit our sin (Hebrews 6:19). Jesus has also sacrificed His life to restore ours to the Father’s original design and intention. God calls us a masterpiece and predetermined paths for us to dwell in, with Him (Ephesians 2:10).

While it seems that the story we are presently living is all there is to see, Heaven holds books about us and the exploits that we achieve with God (Psalm 56:8; Daniel 11:32). Amid these challenges, we can fan hope’s embers though they appear to quench under the deluge of life storms.

Father God has accepted us in His Beloved Son and positioned those who have placed faith in Christ in an elevated position of honor and kingdom authority (Ephesians 1:6, 2:6). This means that on our worst day and our lowest point, we are still victorious, as more than conquerors, through Christ who loved us (Romans 8:37).

Rehearsing and reciting the Word of God, our source for inspiration and hope in troubled times reinforces our faith. From the elevated position in Christ, our foe and his emissaries are under our feet. We have the authority to tread on these serpents and scorpions instead of being subject to them walking all over us (Luke 10:19).

While our endurance is forged in tough times, it is possible to find refuge in Bible verses concerning all we experience. Some parts of our lives won’t be easy, but there is an ease or an ability that Jesus gives to walk through what seems impossible (Matthew 11:28-30, 19:26).

In place of striving and muscling our way through life, we can upgrade into the rest that Christ’s life and death paid on our behalf. Willpower expires, motivation evaporates, but the rest that emerges in exchange with our Savior will replenish our hope when life is particularly difficult.

Next steps.

As you read and reflect on these Bible verses about hope, consider your personal journey. Everyone encounters places of despair and darkness, but having a professional counselor can offer insight and perspective you didn’t know you needed. Avail yourself of the resources on this site and schedule an appointment to experience the blessing of additional support.

The Word of God and wise counsel illuminate what seems unclear or obscure. Not only will this spiritual and practical approach brighten where you are now, but also furnish the light needed for your path.

“Boardwalk”, Courtesy of Tobi,, CC0 License; “Country Road”, Courtesy of Lisa Fotios,, CC0 License; “Walking”, Courtesy of Andrea Piacquadio,, CC0 License