Life east of Eden can be tough. We do not live in an idyllic world, in which our bodies, minds, emotions, relationships, and environment are only healthy and supportive of our growth.

As much as we would like to be in control of everything that happens to us, life can get overwhelming. Despite best efforts, we don’t always have it together, and we can struggle to muster up the resources to handle things on our own.

Sometimes life just doesn’t go according to plan. The bottom falls out for a variety of reasons, and we need a sympathetic and compassionate ear with whom to talk things through. We all need a place to get real answers that get straight to the heart of the matter so that we can live a life full of meaning and joy.

Some people think that Christian counseling services are only for others. Unfortunately, there are unhelpful narratives out there about therapy that may make people assume it is not for them, and so they do not avail themselves of this helpful resource.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Christian counseling services are a valuable resource for everyone, and helpful for addressing a wide range of issues regardless of your vocation, gender, race, age, or social class.

You could benefit from Christian counseling services whether you’re dealing with:

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • eating disorders
  • panic attacks
  • struggles with your faith journey
  • anger issues
  • loneliness
  • low self-esteem
  • relationships issues
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • past trauma and hurts
  • sexual abuse
  • overcoming addictive or harmful behaviors
  • . . . or other concerns.

If you are struggling, there is no need to go it alone. Help is available to you in the form of individual Christian counseling services.

What is Individual Christian Counseling?

The most common picture people have of counseling is the image of a person lying on a couch while talking to their therapist, or perhaps the picture of a group sitting in a circle sharing their experiences and thoughts. The first image broadly looks like individual counseling, while the second image resembles group therapy.

Individual counseling, sometimes called treatment, talk therapy, or psychotherapy is a one-on-one session in which a trained therapist walks with an individual (the client) on their journey of healing.

The therapist and the client ally with each other to focus on immediate or near future concerns, working together to set goals for the therapy. Then, using a variety of therapeutic techniques appropriate to the concern, the therapist provides the client with tools for coping and growth toward a healthy and fulfilling life.

Our lives as humans are an intersection of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. To be effective and address the whole person, individual counseling can make use of a variety of tools. In addition to proven evidence-based techniques tailored to address specific issues, individual Christian counseling adds the dimension of using spiritual resources such as Scripture and prayer for holistic healing.

What are the Benefits of Christian Counseling Services?

Going to individual counseling has several distinct advantages. These include:

  • Privacy and attention. In a one-on-one counseling session, as opposed to a group therapy session, the client has the undivided attention of the therapist. If you have a lot of questions and concerns to work through, individual counseling provides you with the space to have those concerns addressed. There are no group dynamics to navigate. For some people, sharing intimate details about their life is intimidating, and so a one-on-one session with a therapist is more appealing than doing so with a group.
  • Getting a load off your chest. Counseling allows you to share things that you may never have verbalized to another person. For example, some people have never told anyone that they were abused. Having someone to tell can be a weight off your shoulders and being able to talk about things can normalize it and eradicate feelings of shame or guilt. Talking about your concerns is a vital first step to begin addressing those concerns.
  • Safe space. Individual counseling not only offers you a safe, non-judgmental place to offload your thoughts and emotions. Sometimes, our narratives of shame over areas of brokenness in our lives reduce us to silence. Being somewhere where you are shown empathy makes a huge difference.
  • Support and guidance. Having an independent third party to talk to, someone who is trained and possesses the skills to navigate the complex issues brought up in counseling is a great gift. Christian counseling, no matter how big or small your struggles seem, offers you strength, guidance, and support so that you can live the full and fulfilling life that Jesus Christ came to give us.

Different Types of Therapy

Individual counseling utilizes several different types of counseling techniques. Your counselor can introduce you to various techniques, which will vary depending on your concerns and goals. Your counselor can discuss these with you, but some of the techniques used include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which grows your understanding and control over damaging or negative behavior and thoughts connected to a traumatic experience, for example. This can help you to reshape your thinking to develop helpful and appropriate ways to think of yourself and your situation.
  • Interpersonal Psychotherapy, which addresses conflict and your relationships with your loved ones
  • Emotionally Focused Therapy, which aims to change damaging emotional responses and promote learning to relate to others in healthy and productive ways
  • Psychodynamic Therapy, which gives you tools and space to express your feelings in a safe environment. If you’re struggling with depression, for example, this therapy helps you discern the root cause of your depression by helping you learn more about yourself and work through issues in your past, including your relationships, to arrive at better self-understanding and move beyond guilt
  • Somatic Experiencing, which focuses on your natural reactions to emotional and physical trauma and works with your body’s natural ability to heal itself, and through natural reactions to stress such as crying.

How Do I Get Started?

The first step is to decide to get counseling. This is easier said than done for some people. If you find, however, that you’ve stalled in your growth and you aren’t achieving your goals, counseling can provide you with a fresh perspective and a new set of tools to use in meeting your life goals.

If you have decided that counseling is for you, you can do a little bit of research. Ask your doctor for recommendations for counselors or look online for Christian counseling services in your area. Check the reviews and client testimonials to make sure this is a good fit for you.

Remember that you and your counselor will be working together as a team to meet your goals, so you want to choose your “teammate” wisely. Some Christian counseling services will offer you a risk-free initial assessment during which you can figure out the counselor to partner with who is a good fit for you.

During your initial session, your counselor will listen to your story and work with you to create an approach that suits your personal needs and goals using methods such as evidence-based psychotherapy and faith-based resources like Scripture and prayer.

If you are a person of faith, it is important to ask questions about the approaches the counselors use to ensure that you are not frustrated later. If you like what you see and want more, that’s great! If not, don’t despair – going through the process helps you to know better what you want and what to look out for.

A great fit for counseling will offer you a place of support for helping you to grow spiritually, process your emotions, provide tools for you to form healthy relationships, and create lasting change. Your counselor should work to become part of your healing process as God restores wholeness and flourishing in your life.

If you’re ready for a purposeful, healthy, and happy life in Christ, and you want to start your journey sooner rather than later, consider finding out more about individual Christian counseling services and booking an appointment with a counselor near you.

“Carefree,” Courtesy of Gian Cescon,, CC0 License; “Chillin'”, Courtesy of Duncan Shaffer,, CC0 License; “Smiling”, Courtesy of Franciele Cunha,, CC0 License; “Footprints on the Beach”, Courtesy of 30daysreplay,, CC0 License