
Dealing with Death Anxiety

By |2024-09-30T12:59:11+00:00February 28th, 2024|Anxiety, Featured, Grief Counseling, Individual Counseling|

Death anxiety is a common fear experienced by up to 10% of people, according to research. It is also known as “thanatophobia” and refers to intense concerns regarding one’s own death, the process of dying, someone else dying, or what happens after death. For Christians, who believe in eternal life, there can be an element of shame in admitting death anxiety. After all, if we are so convinced that our life here is temporary, and that what awaits once Jesus returns is infinitely better than this life, then why would we suffer death anxiety? Christian counseling can help individuals process their fear, getting to an understanding of what exact part of death is causing worry. It is also an opportunity to meditate on Scripture and walk a journey of growing faith together with someone who can provide perspective and pray through the problem together. Symptoms of death anxiety A certain degree of fear about death or dying is normal. It can be a frightening prospect filled with uncertainty, and the possibility of pain, along with trauma and grief for those left behind. Ecclesiastes 3:11 states that “God has set eternity in the human heart”, which means that, in every human soul there is a God-given awareness that there is something more than this transient life and that we know intrinsically that this world is not our forever home. Death anxiety, however, goes beyond this to the point where it prevents a person from enjoying life. While it is not a psychiatric diagnosis, someone with the phobia will feel extremely distressed about death and dying. The symptoms that might show up beyond an expression of this fear include going to great lengths to minimize the risk of dying (not leaving the house, refusing mechanical modes of transport, etc.), avoiding places [...]

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9 Bible Verses About Not Worrying

By |2024-09-30T12:57:29+00:00February 18th, 2023|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling, Spiritual Development|

Worrying and being anxious about our loved ones, the world in general, or where we might be going in our lives is natural. It is challenging to turn away from this unbiblical response to difficult circumstances and demands that we take a stand with God as our guide to show us the way. 9 Bible Verses About Not Worrying The following Bible verses about not worrying will encourage you to look to the Lord from whom all help comes. As you commit to being prayerful in your moments of anxiety and worry, you will start to experience the peace that God has promised. He will lead you along the right path that He has already mapped out ahead of you. Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked. – Proverbs 3:25, NIV In this verse, Solomon is advising his son to be unafraid of immediate calamity in life. When we live under the shadow of God’s wings, we can fear less, knowing that we belong to God. We can trust that He is sovereign over our lives. Those who live their lives apart from God can end up in situations that lead to dire consequences. As a Christian, you certainly won’t be immune to hardship, but the Lord can protect and guide you. As you are exposed to the dangers that lurk in this broken world, you do not need to live in fear because you are safe in His arms. This Bible verse about not worrying implies we need to actively seek God’s peace, determined to take hold of this bold promise that we are protected from evil in a way that surpasses all understanding. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. – 1 Peter 5:7, NIV In conclusion [...]

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Hoarding and How It Can Affect Your Life

By |2024-09-30T12:56:39+00:00August 3rd, 2022|Anxiety, Featured, Individual Counseling, OCD|

For some examples of hoarding and how it can affect your life, consider the following scenarios: Lisa is a twenty-nine-year-old who has a compulsive urge to hold onto every flyer and piece of paper offered to her. Her apartment counters are overwhelmed with stacks and stacks of flyers, books, newspapers, unopened mail, business cards, and years of Christmas cards and birthday cards. She feels overwhelmed by the influx of daily items and does not know where to begin, so she avoids it altogether. Nancy is a sixty-year-old who is a self-proclaimed bargain shopper extraordinaire. She can never say no to a bargain, even if it is not something she will need for a long time or at all. Her garage is filled with extra storage containers she got on sale. Her bedroom floor is covered in bags of clothes with tags still on them that she’s found over time, just knowing that the perfect occasion would arise to wear them. Her kitchen counters are filled with extra cleaning supplies she has found for a spectacular price. Her living room is filled with extra gifts for friends that she might need over time. She always likes to feel prepared, even though her current living situation makes it difficult to know what she has. Benjamin is an eighty-year-old widow who lost the love of his life almost five years ago. Since he lost her, he hasn’t cleaned out his car. It is filled from the floorboard to covering the seats with fast food trash, old plastic coffee cups, random bags from parties and Christmas get-togethers, sweaty clothes from the gym, and other items that have gotten lost amidst the mess. Benjamin and his wife used to sit in their very clean car (thanks to his wife’s love of cleaning) and listen [...]

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Anxiety and Depression in Ministry

By |2024-09-30T12:53:12+00:00January 11th, 2021|Anxiety, Depression, Featured, Individual Counseling|

There’s something with which pastors and priests are struggling in record-high numbers. Most feel like they can’t talk about it with anyone. It’s like a big cloud of secrecy constantly hanging over them. Every week they stand in front of their parishioners with a smile on their faces, hiding this secret. Our clergy encourage, give support, and walk with us through our own struggles. While many of them are deeply struggling themselves. Anxiety and depression rates among those in ministry – both ordained and lay ministry – seem to be rising. Several studies have shown that the rates of anxiety and depression among these folks are higher than the national averages. Different studies cite different numbers, but all agree, our pastors, priests, and church staff are suffering silently with these issues. Maybe you’ve come to this article because you’re in ministry and find yourself struggling with anxiety or depression. Or perhaps you’re the spouse, a relative, or close friend of someone in church work about whom you’re concerned. Hopefully, this article will shed some light on this increasing problem and offer some tips. It contains tips for those who are concerned about their loved ones as well as anyone involved in ministry who may be dealing with anxiety or depression and is looking for help. Anxiety and Depression in Ministry Among the general population, only about 25% of those dealing with depression are believed to be seeking help or treatment. These numbers are estimated to be even lower among those who work for churches. Independent and anonymous surveys show that church staff members are dealing with depression at high rates. Anxiety may also accompany this, and church workers aren’t often getting help for either. Why is this happening? There seems to be an unwritten stigma against church workers who [...]

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