Joanna Kucherera

About Joanna Kucherera

Hi there! I am Joanna Kucherera, a Writer, Speaker, and Trainer with a passion for mental health awareness, relationships, and family counseling. I hold an Honours degree in Psychology from The University of Zimbabwe. Beyond my professional endeavors, I am a mother to three wonderful girls and enjoy spending time outdoors. To explore more of my work, please visit

Goal Setting: 8 Reasons Why Goals are Important

By |2024-09-30T12:49:29+00:00January 2nd, 2024|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development|

Most of us have dreams. We all look at life and have a picture of what we want our future to be. These dreams and wishes can only become a reality when we put in the effort that’s needed to achieve them. This is where goal setting comes into play. Goals are defined as dreams with a deadline and a plan. It is how we choose to live and prioritize our time and resources toward those things we want to achieve and be. There are different types of goals a person can have for themselves. The reason for that is as our lives become more complex, we now need to be intentional about how we allocate time toward different aspects of our lives. Below are some types of goals people can have: Social goals. Personal goals. Financial goals. Health and wellness goals. Professional goals. Academic goals. Spiritual goals. Personal development goals. Though they might not all be at the same level of priority, all these goals are important for a person’s wellness and functioning. Goal setting is important because it can help make all these aims attainable and not overwhelming. Why is goal setting important? Getting into the habit of setting goals is important for many reasons. Below are some to consider. Bringing a sense of control. Goal setting brings everything into focus. You feel empowered and in control as you plan and develop systems that can help you achieve your goals. You are not leaving everything to the universe but working as much as you can for the future you want. Encouraging discipline. When you have goals, you become more disciplined in your life choices and in how you distribute resources. You can prioritize your behavior and channel your energy where it is needed. Having timelines and deadlines [...]

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Understanding Emotional Neglect

By |2024-09-30T12:50:00+00:00October 31st, 2023|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Relationship Issuse|

When a child first enters the world, their early interactions with the people taking care of them are important. These interactions serve to communicate that they are loved, cherished, and valued. This for a child brings a sense of belonging and security. Their developmental abilities depend on these first interactions. Emotional neglect hinders these processes. However, if a child is met with a cold, unloving, and unresponsive world, their well-being is put at risk. Emotional neglect is one such situation. When we say a child is suffering from emotional neglect, we mean that the relationship they have with their parent or caregiver is such that their emotional needs are neglected, ignored, and sometimes invalidated. Emotional neglect can happen intentionally and unintentionally, nonetheless, the effects can be both devastating and lifelong if not attended to. Even though we are talking about a parent-to-child relationship, it is important to note that emotional neglect can also be experienced in other relationships, like friendships and romantic relationships. Caregivers or those we are in relationships with can cause us to feel emotionally neglected for several reasons. No matter what the underlying causes are, people or caregivers who exhibit the following behaviors run the risk of making their loved ones feel emotionally neglected: They are dismissive of emotions, sometimes ridiculing or minimizing the other person’s feelings. They are cold and unwelcoming. It is hard to enjoy spontaneous play or interactions with them. They sometimes give silent treatment, not talking or interacting with their loved one. This breaks down any hope for connection. They are not interested in the other’s life, activities, hobbies, or interests. When they do speak, it’s rare to give praise or acknowledgment. They find fault easily and focus on those faults more than anything else the other person does. They may suffer [...]

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